Indicators (2024) | Vratsa | Montana | Vidin | Compare |
Road network density | 18.10 km/100 | 16.90 km/100 | 20.00 km/100 | Compare |
Relative share of households with Internet access | 83.90% | 74.50% | 92.20% | Compare |
Roads in good condition | 34.30% | 22.20% | 37.10% | Compare |
Share of motorways and first class roads | 9.90% | 9.00% | 11.50% | Compare |
Share of population in settlements with public sewerage | 57.00% | 59.70% | 54.30% | Compare |
Share of population with access to sewage connected to wastewater treatment plants | 52.80% | 36.20% | 48.90% | Compare |
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