A major source of official statistics is the National Statistical System, and in particular the National Statistical Institute (NSI). Another part of the necessary information is provided by information systems of the National Social Security Institute (NSSI), the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), the National Centre for Public Health and Analyses (NCPHA), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science (MEYS), the National Revenue Agency (NRA) and others.
To secure additional statistical information needed for the regional profiles, an independent survey was conducted at municipal level. The aim is to generate information that cannot be provided by existing public or other sources for a variety of reasons - it is not produced, it is not up-to-date, it is confidential, etc.
Ruse District – good education and intense cultural life, but rapid population aging 28.03.2025
The gross domestic product per capita in the district is growing and is the ninth highest in the country....
Razgrad District – investment growth and low taxes, but bad roads and poor education 21.03.2025
The gross domestic product in the district continues to grow, but at a lower than average rate, and its value...
IME presented Regional Profiles: Indicators of Development 2024 13.03.2025
The Institute for Market Economics held a special presentation for the international community of the latest...
Pleven district – leader in health care, but with a rapidly decreasing population 11.03.2025
The gross domestic product per capita is slowing down and lagging behind the average values for the...