Indicators |
Period, unit of measurement and source | ||
Visits to theaters An indicator of the intensity of cultural activities. It shows the average annual number of registered visits to the theaters on the territory of a given district. |
Visits to cinemas An indicator of the intensity of cultural activities. It shows the average annual number of registered visits to the cinemas on the territory of a given district. |
Visits to museums An indicator of the intensity of cultural activities. It shows the average annual number of registered visits to the museums on the territory of a given district. |
Visits to libraries An indicator of the intensity of cultural activities. It shows the average number of registered visits to libraries with a collection of a minimum 200,000 items on the territory of a given district. |
Number of beds in accommodation establishments The indicator shows the district’s potential for the development of tourism. |
Number of overnight stays in accommodation establishments The indicator shows the actual intensity of tourism in the district. |
Guest nights booked via online sharing economy platforms The indicator shows the significance of sharing economy in the tourism sector. |