Indicators |
Period, unit of measurement and source | ||
Number of students at colleges and universities per thousand people The indicator includes students in universities, colleges, and specialised higher education |
Number of teachers at primary and secondary schools per 1,000 students The relation between the number of teachers and the number of students in a given district is a standard indicator for measuring the quality of education. |
Net enrolment rate of the population (grades 5th through 8th) The net enrolment rate of the population is calculated as a percentage of number of students in the respective stage of education in age groups relative to the number of population in the same age groups, calculated as of December 31 of the respective year. The number of students in primary and secondary education is established by October 1 of the respective year. The selection of grades 5 through 8 is based on the fact that this is the lowest educational stage, that registers a relatively lower coverage of the education system. |
Share of dropouts from primary and secondary education The share of dropouts from primary and secondary education shows the number of students who prematurely left school that year. The low percentage of dropouts from primary and secondary education is a sign of a well-developed educational system capable of keeping risk students at school. |
Relative share of repeaters The relative share of repeaters shows the number of students who were enrolled in the same grade for a second year in a row. This indicator shows the quality of educational institutions, at least in terms of their ability to create optimal learning conditions. |
Average grades at state matriculation exams A high grade score from the matriculation exams in Bulgarian language and literature is a sign of high quality of secondary education. Results allow comparisons across districts for each year. |
Percent of failed students at state matriculation exams A high percentage of students who have passed the matriculation exams in Bulgarian language and literature is a sign of high quality of secondary education. |
Average grade in the National external examination in mathematics after 7th grade A high result in the National external examination in mathematics after 7th grade indicates a high quality of junior high school education in the district. The indicator is also used as a counterpoint to the matriculation exam in Bulgarian language and literature, as very few high-school students choose to sit the elective matriculation exam in mathematics. |