Indicator |
Period, unit of measurement and source | ||
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita This indicator measures the standard of living in the district and the degree of development |
Average annual income per household member The indicator shows the general welfare and living standard of the local population. |
Average annual gross salary Wages are among the main sources of household income. |
Relative share of population living in material deprivation This is a subjective indicator based on surveys of households on specific indicators of material deprivation. Eurostat methodology has been used. The questionnaire includes difficulties in meeting the costs of housing, ownership of a car or a washing machine, meat consumption, restrictions on heating, etc. A person is defined as living in material deprivation if experiencing deprivation on four of these nine indicators. |
Relative share of people living below the national poverty line A key poverty indicator. It shows the share of people with an equivalent disposable income |