Indicators |
Period, unit of measurement and source | ||
Number of non-financial companies per 1,000 people The indicator shows entrepreneural mindsets and trends in the local economy. |
Expenditure on the acquisition of tangible fixed assets (TFA) The level of expenditure on the acquisition of tangible fixed assets (TFA) per capita in a district is the leading indicator of investment in the local economy.
Foreign direct investment in non-financial enterprises (accumulated flows) The indicator of foreign direct investment (FDI) in non-financial enterprises shows the cumulative investment flows to the district and its attractiveness to foreign investors |
Utilization of EU funds by beneficiaries under operational programs A high level of utilization of EU funds under operational programs creates preconditions for improving a district’s competitiveness. |
Production value Production value per capita shows the relative productivity of the enterprises in the district. |
Share of export earnings in net sales revenues of non-financial enterprises The share of export earnings in net sales revenues of non-financial enterprises indicates the extent to which domestic production is export-oriented.
Expenditure for research and development Research and development includes all creative and systematic work carried out with the aim of expanding the body of knowledge, including knowledge about people, culture and society, and of developing new applications for existing knowledge.