Indicators |
Period, unit of measurement and source | ||
Share of the working-age population The age limit for the distribution of the population in this category is determined in accordance |
Average annual unemployment rate of the population aged 15 and over Low unemployment rates in a district are indicative of a vibrant and job-creating local economic environment. |
Annual average employment rate of the population aged 15–64 The employment rate is a leading indicator of the labor market showing what proportion of the working-age population is actually employed. |
Relative share of the population aged 25–64 with an university degree A large share of population with a university degree in a district creates prerequisites for increased competitiveness, labor productivity, and economic growth. |
Relative share of the population aged 25–64 with primary or lower education An indicator of the educational structure of the workforce. The higher the share of people with primary or lower education, the lower the potential of the local labor market to fill newly created jobs. A lower level of education is a precondition for lower economic activity, lower productivity, and thus lower incomes. |