Indicators |
Period, unit of measurement and source | |||
Share of criminal cases closed within 3 months A higher share of criminal cases in a district’s courts closed within 3 months indicates relatively |
Share of Administrative court cases closed within 3 months A higher share of administrative cases closed within 3 months indicates relatively faster delivery of justice (all other factors being equal). |
Share of District court civil cases closed within 3 months A higher share of civil cases closed within 3 months indicates relatively faster delivery of justice (all other factors being equal). |
Real average workload of District court judges The indicator shows the deviation from the actual average workloads of District court judges for the respective year. A high workload may be considered as impeding access to justice, while a low workload may indicate inefficiency. |
Real average workload of Administrative court judges The indicator shows the deviation from the actual average workloads of Administrative court judges for the respective year. A high workload may be considered as impeding access to justice, while a low workload may indicate inefficiency.
Crimes against the person and property Crimes against the person and property are an indicator of the crime rate in a given area. Officially registered crimes do not always faithfully represent the level of criminality in a district but provide a good basis for evaluation and comparison between districts. |
Share of cleared crimes against the person and property out of all crimes registered throughout the respective year The higher the share of cleared crimes, the more efficient the work of law enforcement in the district. The indicator covers only the clearance rates of registered crimes and complements the overall security picture in each district. |
Number of police officers relative to the population The indicator shows the number of police officers relative to the population and offers a measure |