
Salaries and pensions in Silistra district continue to increase, but are still relatively low. The poverty rate in the district is shrinking but remains high. The development of the local labor market is unsatisfactory. Domestic investment has increased significantly, but foreign investment is lagging behind. Due to the low level of urbanization, a relatively small share of the population lives in settlements with a public sewerage network. The average level of local taxes in Silistra district is relatively low. The share of own revenues in the total revenues of the district’s municipalities is extremely low.

Silistra is among the districts with the worst demographic profile. Students’ results are relatively low. The alignment between vocational education and the profile of the local economy is high. Healthcare in Silistra district suffers from a shortage of doctors. The workloads of criminal judges in Silistra district are significantly lower than the national average. Crime numbers have risen, but remain relatively low and the detection rate is high. Silistra is also among the districts with the worst performance as regards the environment indicators. Tourism in the district is not well developed.

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