
GDP, salaries and pensions in Smolyan district continue to rise. The poverty level is declining. Employment and unemployment are rising, with both indicators remaining relatively unfavorable. Business and investment activity has been showing some improvement. There are no railways, highways or firstclass roads in the district. Local taxes in the district are relatively low. Smolyan is among the three districts with the lowest share of own revenues in the total municipal revenues and is the district with the second lowest coverage of municipal expenditures with local revenues.

The population of the district is among the fastest aging in the country. Smolyan continues to rank among the districts with the highest educational results. The health insurance system covers practically the entire population of the district. Workloads in Smolyan’s courts are relatively low, which impacts the speed of delivery of justice. Smolyan is the district with the lowest number of registered crimes. The district also ranks first regarding the share of forest area and has the lowest share of disturbed area. The intensity of its cultural life remains weak, but tourism is strongly represented.

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