Stara Zagora

Incomes in Stara Zagora continue to increase significantly and the standard of living is rising. Employment and unemployment are declining simultaneously, with both indicators being more favorable than the respective national averages. Production value is high, placing the district in the top three in the country. Unlike most districts with a high degree of economic development, Stara Zagora maintains relatively low local taxes. The transparency rating of the work of the local administrations is relatively low.

The natural population increase in Stara Zagora remains below the national average. Students’ results are close to the country’s average. Access to doctors (both GPs and specialist physicians) is relatively good. The pharmacy network is well developed. The number of crimes is relatively high and the detection rate is close to the national average. Stara Zagora’s low score in the environment category is primarily due to the extremely high proportion of disturbed area. Cultural life in the district is relatively active.

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