
Varna again remains among the top-ranking districts as regards GDP per capita. Salaries and incomes have continued to grow. Income inequality and poverty remain at relatively low levels. Varna is the district with the highest employment rates, while unemployment is the second lowest in the country. Investment and business activity is relatively high. Utilization of European funding is lagging behind. The district’s infrastructure is well developed. The average levels of local taxes remain high. The administration’s work is evaluated as good.

Varna is among the districts with a relatively favorable demographic development. In the field of education, the trends are moving in a positive direction. Students’performance is very good. Compared to the national average values , Varna district has more doctors but insufficient numbers of hospital beds. The crime rate is relatively high, and the detection rate relatively low. Varna is among the districts with a high volume of generated household waste, but the share of waste handed over for treatment and recycling remains high. Cultural life in the district is intensive, and tourism – well developed.

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