Varna: high employment and good education
Varna District remains among the leaders in terms of gross domestic product per capita. Salaries and incomes continue to grow.
Varna District remains among the leaders in terms of gross domestic product per capita. Salaries and incomes continue to grow.
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The municipalities in the Plovdiv and Pazardzhik districts demonstrate rapid economic growth, driven mainly by the growth of services in the two district centers and industry in the small peripheral municipalities. Investments in the region are growing relatively quickly, but the labor market shows signs of slowing expansion and even shrinking in places, despite the high demand for personnel. A key medium-term advantage of the region is the good educational structure, especially in terms of the small share of people with very low education, as well as positive demographic trends and slower aging.
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The material is a part of the IME study "Regional Profiles: Indicators of Development 2024".
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How much does street lighting cost the taxpayer? What priorities does the municipal budget finance? Can every citizen participate in discussing the finances of their municipality and is their opinion taken into account? We try to answer all these questions in the new IME study "Evaluation of Municipal Budgets: How to Do It and What to Monitor".
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The ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT area in Regional Profiles 2024 includes categories measuring income and standard of living, the labor market, investments, infrastructure, local taxes, and the work of the administration.
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The material is part of the IME study "Regional Profiles: Indicators of Development 2024"
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For more than ten years now, the Institute for Market Economy has been presenting the only study of its scale and depth on the economic and social development of the regions in Bulgaria. This year, the Regional Profiles expand to 80 indicators, presenting the real picture in the 28 regions.
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